Below we have compiled a list of the most asked questions from our customers.
The shipping price varies from product to product, worldwide. But we also try to provide you with best delivery options.
We accept and process Visa, MasterCard and all other major credit and debit cards through Paypal.
Get Fast Shipping on everything here at GadgetMoto. Items are fulfilled and arrive in 2 – 5 days. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, you’re covered by our NO HASSLE 7- days after receiving delivery exchange/refund policy. Just send us an email and we’ll straighten things out for you.
Important: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, some items might take longer to receive but will be delivered no later than 14 days after the reach item has left our warehouse. We really appreciate your patience. Thanks for shopping with us here at GadgetMoto.
You’re in good hands and never have to worry when shopping online with us. We understand your concern and provide you with a secure shopping experience that is data protected by an SSL certificate encryption on the checkout page so your information is as safe as it can be. Just look for the lock symbol in the address bar on the checkout page.
After placing an order, you’ll receive an e-mail from us within minutes to notifying you of your order status. This confirms that we have received your order and are now processing it. Once the order is processed and shipped out, you will then receive another e-mail notification confirming that as well.
Yes. Absolutely. You will be sent an invoice in the first e-mail that we send out to you directly after you have placed your order with us.
We do our best to provide our customers with a positive shopping experience. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, you’re covered by our 7-day exchange/refund policy. GUARANTEED!
You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by GadgetMoto within 7 days of delivery for a full refund.
To receive a refund, you must submit a refund request to Customer Support within 7 days of delivery and a follow Customer Support’s instructions on returning your item to GadgetMoto. A refund is issued usually in about 2-4 weeks upon receipt of your returned item.
We understand that sometimes accidents can happen during delivery. So you can request for a replacement with Customer Support and we’ll ship out a replacement in the exact same day.